
(02/05/2020) Our team receives multiple research grants from VTRC/VDOT in Fall 2019/Spring 2020. We greatly appreciate the sponsor for the projects.

(02/01/2020) Our team receives the Program for Undergraduate Research and Scholarship (PURS) 2020 Award to conduct a pilot research project on the safety of micromobility systems.

(01/14/2020) Our recent paper on AI Applications in the Development of AVs has been accepted by IEEE/CAA JAS.

(12/02/2019) Congratulate to Zhenyu successfully presenting research proposal to his Dissertation Committee.

(11/7/2019) Congratulate to Qingyu receiving the BCET Travel Award for attending TRB2020 Annual Meeting to present his work.

(11/7/2019) Congratulate to Zhenyu receiving the BCET Travel Award for attending TRB2020 to present his work.

(11/14/2018) Qingyu Ma won BCET traveling awards for TRB 2019

(04/28/2018) The research team won Hackathon at the VDOT SmarterRoads Competition

Ph.D. Positions Available

Dr. Hong Yang’s research group has multiple Ph.D. positions in Summer / Fall 2019. Applicants are expected to have a M.S. degree in Transportation Engineering, Computer Science/Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics, Data Science, Industrial Engineering, Operations Research, Urban Informatics, Geographic Information Systems, or other related disciplines. Applicants should have considerable programming experience. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Yang with your CV and other relevant information (TOEFL, GRE, etc.) for further details and discussion. Thank you very much

Research Area

Human • Transportation • Facility • Environment • Technology

our research collaborators and supporters:

Get in touch

  • Engineering and Computational Sciences
    4700 Elkhorn Ave, Norfolk, VA 23529
  • +1-757-683-4529